I would have benefited greatly from reading this at 29 or 39 as opposed to 49. Then again, I probably would have been too fucking dim to truly grasp the wisdom of this piece when I was younger.

Thanks, Amy! May we all write the books we can given the time we have as opposed to languishing under the belief that we'd write the book we want if just had the time that we needed.

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Haha well look thanks for nudging me to write this! ❤️

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I love this. I especially love the distinction between the time/space it takes to draft and the time/space it takes to revise. I absolutely white-knuckled my way through a novel draft this past fall in a similar way, but I'm having to wait until this summer, when I'll have more unscheduled blocks of time, to revise it.

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It’s so real, right? Sending good energy for your summer-of-revision! ✨

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I loved all of this, but especially the advice about how to consider where you're "at" and make the writing/story/structure/work/process easiest on yourself for this season. Will be thinking about that for awhile... (and preordered!)

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Thank you! And good luck with your work!

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thank you! 🙏❤️

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I dream of retreat. Alas, with young kids, scarce opportunity. I’ll write during lunch! 💡

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Yes! And don't forget the power of the occasional weekend away! ❤️

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Ah, single mother of two, with 100% care of the children. My time will come… Appreciate your solitude, it’s a luxury. Mine don’t even attend school, if you can imagine that. It’s a joyful, tranquil life, but I get zero alone time. We “co-work.” I edit books while they do homeschooling and we meet for meals….

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oh wow…. Yes that sounds both beautiful and exhausting. I split custody of my kids now and they are teenager besides, but when they were small I was home with them and I often felt like a single mother. I remember feeling so tired that I would look at a lego or whatever on the floor and think “I will never have the energy to pick that up”… anyway, yes, hang in there, and it does get easier when they are older and more independent! ❤️

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Amy I can’t wait to read Edna (preordered in January) and thank you for this!

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Thank you!!

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This is my new bible?! Thank you.

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haha oh yay! Just don't spill on your laptop, I should have included that important warning probably. xx

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I love this. I wrote four sketch shows on my lunch break when I worked in Chicago, sitting in the back of the theater I fundraised for. A novel on lunch breaks is much higher difficulty!

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Caitlin I really feel that we are built from the same always-hustlin cloth ❤️

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Amy, I love all of this! I aspire to be a lunch break writer. Maybe this year is my year!

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You’re on track, it seems! 🏃‍♀️

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